History of kindergarten

Information about a separate institution limited liability partnership "nursery-garden "Bolashak-Kun" of the village of Aksu in the Sayram district of Turkestan region. Kindergarten"Bolashak-Kun was opened on July 5, 2014 as a separate institution of a limited liability partnership. Location: South Kazakhstan region, Sairam district, Zhibek-zholy street, house without a number. On January 19, 2015, the limited liability partnership "nursery garden" was reorganized into a private institutionBolashak-Kun". Location: Turkestan region, Sairam district, Aksu village, Niyazali Yuldashov, gumarat 1B. Since October 4, 2023, the Nursery Garden Limited Liability Partnership has been renamed into a private institutionBolashak-Kun". The preschool is a two-storey building designed for 200 children. The activities of the kindergarten are carried out in accordance with the general educational programs of preschool education and training for children from two to six years old. Along with the organization of children's life activities, 8 groups work in the kindergarten in order to harmoniously allocate time and create favorable conditions for their physical, moral and intellectual development, taking into account age characteristics. Organized activities and educational work are carried out in 1 group in Kazakh and in 7 groups in Russian. The list of children brought up by the state order of 200 children. The nursery garden has eight equipped rooms. Clay and gym halls, an office of the head, a methodologist, a nurse, a dining room, a laundry room, a pantry and a food storage room are equipped for carrying out the work. On the territory of the nursery garden, along with dachas, flower beds and playgrounds, there are fairy-tale characters. The main purpose of the nursery is the education of children and the implementation of industrial and economic activities in the field of education to create the necessary conditions for obtaining knowledge aimed at the formation, development and professional maturity of a person based on national and universal values and achievements of science, practice, in order to improve the learning process, development and development of each new In the academic year, a work plan has been drawn up for the year, taking into account the age characteristics of children. The groups have educational systems in accordance with the state mandatory standard of preschool education and training. All groups are equipped with furniture and visual aids, depending on the age characteristics of the pupils. In groups, visual aids of educators in the area they have developed are displayed in accordance with the age of the child. Educators use elements of various new technologies in organized activities that contribute to the development of children's interest and desire to learn. The duration of the work regime in the institution is 10 hours and 30 minutes per 1 day, 5 working days per week. Weekends are on Saturdays and Sundays. The priority tasks of the kindergarten are to carry out educational work that contributes to the best further education of the child at school. In order to take care of children's health, ensure proper development and improvement of the child's body, proper nutrition, and disease prevention, the daily menu in the nursery is prepared by a nursery nurse in accordance with sanitary standards. The management is tracking. The work on the reception of children and the examination of the child's health is carried out by a nursery nurse. In the order of admission and eviction of children to nursery schools, nurseries perform the following works. When admitting pupils, the head of the nursery accepts parents on the basis of the following documents. - referral for an appointment (valid within 5 working days from the date of issue); — a document certifying the identity of one of the parents or legal representative (for identification);-a document certifying the birth of a child (copy) (for identification); -Child's health passport in the form provided for in the Instructions for filling out and maintaining the report form 026/u-3 “child's health passport” by Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 24, 2003 No. 469; - certificate of child's health; places of pupils in a preschool organization are stored in the following cases: — when the pupil is ill; - when, for treatment or rehabilitation in resort organizations;-one of the parents is on vacation. In addition, agreements regulating the course of work have been concluded in the kindergarten: a collective agreement with the head and an agreement with parents with kindergarten teachers of a person with higher education. K. Helvetius said: "an educator is a violinist teacher who opens the doors to the adult world for children." Kindergarten teachers are sweating for the upbringing of a generation whose hearts are beating in the future. Decent education of the young generation of an independent country is the highest task that we set for ourselves. So it's not something that one of the two can do. After all, this is a job that can only be done by a real specialist who deeply feels the soul of a child, knows his job, knows how to love and appreciate kids. The tasks of the Bolashak-Kun nursery school are to educate knowledge and develop creative skills, research activities, to ensure the development of aesthetic feelings, creative abilities of the child in visual, artistic, linguistic, musical activities. The development of communication skills the development of spoken language, vocabulary and teamwork skills, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of children, the formation of cognitive and intellectual skills, mastering the basic skills of cognitive and research activities necessary for the interaction of pupils with the outside world, the formation of spiritual and moral values and a sense of patriotism in children. Physical development formation of the upbringing of a physically healthy child, an informed attitude to their health, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, safe living skills of the "Nursery-garden" Bolashak-Kun"subgroup "Botakan"middle group "SNAIL" middle group"SWALLOW"middle group "LADUSHKI" adult group "CHAMOMILE" Adult group "BEAR "MAD group"SUNNY" MAD group "RAINBOW" organization of a security system in the kindergarten "Bolashak-Kun" nursery-kindergarten is equipped with three types of security equipment: what is a video surveillance system and a fire alarm system "with an emergency button"? Video surveillance systems allow you to control the mode of the object inside the premises, corridors, the territory around the protected object and entrances and exits. Video surveillance systems are designed not only to protect against outsiders, but also to monitor the work of employees and children. The whole yard is fenced with an iron mound, landscaped, and conditions for outdoor play are created. "ROZAKUL-ATA Kindergarten" is the very first seal of all upbringing and education "nursery staff"Bolashak-Kun " contact address Turkestan region, Sairam district, Aksu village, Niyazaliuldashev.gymarat 1B EMAIL address ? Opening hours Mon. - Fri: 8.00 – 18: 30 day off-Saturday, Sunday PHONE +7(702)-953-76-86